Friday, January 17, 2020

Just WOW!

"In love he predestined us for a adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will..."

Tonight is our youth group’s first night of small group.  Something new we’re trying.  I love our youth pastor’s passion for finding ways to help our kids get into the Bible so they can see that it is not so overwhelming but rather full of love and help.  Unfortunately, due to a work special event, I will not be able to be there.  So all week I have been praying for the leaders and those who may come tonight.  I have also been praying through the scriptures they’ll be using tonight.  I am so struck by this verse.

See, I am not the cute kiddo on Wednesday's child (a breakout on the news where they would highlight children needing adoption).  I feel like the hot mess that they send on an errand when new adoptive prospects show up.  we wouldn’t want to scare anyone so we’ll hide the unlovelies.  Usually the problem kids.  I mean who could possibly want me, right?  I can't get it right; I keep messing up.  I say I am a christian, but then sin daily, sometimes without even knowing it!  I can definitely relate to Paul’s claim, “I am the worst!  I do want I don’t want to do and don’t do what I do want to do!”

Yet before I was even conceived, I was predestined to be a child of God.  The King of Kings, Creator of all things, chose ME to be part of His family; His child; His own; His.  Being omniscient, He knew what a hot mess I'd be and He wanted/wants me anyway.  That never gets old or less astounding to me.  And He takes me, trash bag full of baggage and all.  And not for some big pay day from the government or to use me for slave labor, but just to love me and be with me.  Just WOW!

Abba, thank you for loving me so much even as I am.  Some days I feel like the harder I strive, the further I fall.  But you never give up on me.  To surround me with your grace and mercy and love and help me start over again.  Thank you for choosing me.  Thank you for knowing me.  Thank you for never giving up on me.  Teach me how to love my neighbors the same way you love me.  And may your word and promises never get old to my astounded heart. Amen.

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