Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The whole picture

I woke up this morning and found that my heart was hurting.   Not for me or something going on in my life, but for people I'm praying for.  The man whose wife left him when he didn't see it coming.  The woman whose husband is having an affair.  The friend being pressured by family and friends to end her marriage when she doesn't feel that's what God is calling her to do.  The 4 year old with brain cancer. The woman wondering why her husband doesn't love her anymore.  The person whose husband is facing DUI with the accompaniment of a minor charges.  The many that are waiting to hear on jobs: loss of, new, clearance.  The growing list of people facing financial issues.  The friend who with a few weeks of school left had his financial aid cut down.  The woman losing her mom just a few months after losing her dad.  The woman recovering from open heart surgery whose husband died as she was recovering and now trying to have her heart heal in many ways.  Two families needing to sell their house as soon as possible. The list is over flowing with all the hurt people are facing.  And these are just some of the people on MY prayer list.  Add in all the tragedy in news reports and things in the social media...

I found myself praying this morning feeling abundantly overwhelmed!  I feel so completely inadequate because there is nothing I can do for these people other than pray.  I'm not diminishing prayer - that is a huge and VERY important thing.  However, when seeing so much pain, I just want to do more; something tangible - I want to make it all better.  More over, I find myself questioning why?  Why do we have to go through so much?  Why do those who are faithful face such earthly things?  Why does it seem like even though we pray and pray somethings never change?  Wy does it seem like some people get loaded down with bad things?  My faith is being shaken by so much pain and my lack of understanding.

This morning I went looking for words of hope; words of comfort and peace.  Something tangible I could offer the hurting.  God is so funny sometimes.  I was looking for a scripture or two, but instead everything I looked at went with the theme of my brain.  I found 12 scriptures to bring hope and comfort (see below)!  Then I found an article in my email box "God Cares For You."  Then I open my devotional which was about the fact that God's plan can not be thwarted.  (I love that word: thwarted!). In hunting for comfort and peace for others God reminded me of something He's written on my heart and something He's been teaching me about: the whole picture.  

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul's talking about love.  God has chosen this year to write verse 12 on my heart:  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Yes, I ask why.  Yes, my heart hurts for others.  Yes, I know God's ways are not my ways nor His plans my plans.  Yes, I sometimes wonder why He can't do it the way I see it.  Then He reminds me of this verse.  God has a plan for us and that plan is to prosper us and give us hope.  Now we can only see a reflection.  We see a piece of a puzzle with no directions.  But one day, we will look back and as more pieces are added we will begin to see the picture.  And then one glorious day, when we are celebrating new life with Jesus; celebrating no more pain or suffering, then we will see fully.  The picture will be finished and although we'll see the scars and the pain we suffered, we'll see how they fit into a beautiful picture and story we know as life.  We will praise all of it!

Does this mean it's going to be easy now and I won't question anymore? Of course not!  But it does mean that my patient, gracious God will remind my heart of this truth His taught me.

Thank you, Abba, for being patient with me when I question and lack understanding.  Thank you for having the grace and mercy to remind me over and over and over again.  Thank you most of all for loving me so much that you would write your word on my heart; engraving it there so it, like You, will ever leave me.  Thank you for being Abba, Lord, Father, Creator, Comforter and full of mercy.  Help me to share what you teach me with others. Amen.

Scriptures to find hope and comfort (just a few):
Psalm 46:1, 9:9, 55:22, 22:24, 116:1-2, 30:5, 71:20-21
1 Peter 5:6-7
Jeremiah 29:11
Nahum 1:7
Lamentations 3:31-32, 3:22-23
John 16:22