Wednesday, October 29, 2014

And we are filled with joy

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. (Psalm 126:3 NIV)

Yesterday was one of those days.  We all have them.  I woke up in the morning and my heart was heavy.  While praying for a family who was saying goodbye to a loved one, a family member was laid on my heart.  After praying & praising for her, I prayed for my daughter who had called the night before to discuss a decision she's struggling with.  I sat thinking how grateful I am to be able to pray for others.  How I love that, thanks to technology, I can pray with them even when we're far apart.  And then POW!  

It hit me; like a brick weight I felt overcome with darkness.  Maybe depression?  Dissatisfaction with myself set in so that every move I made, every time I glanced in the mirror, every word I said was wrong.  It was not just about feeling fat or ugly or mean or impatient either.  I literally felt like I didn't fit in my own skin.  Inadequate and unimportant to my very core.  And of course then my thoughts ran away from me and tomorrow's concerns became today's and what about next week, next month, next year?

I knew right away this wasn't God.  I knew that this was the temptation of the devil.  I knew that this was his way.  To whisper all the lies that discourage us from standing tall....sometimes even from standing.  He tries it often, but usually I can find comfort in the Word.  I have an arsenal of scriptures I use on a daily basis to fight his lies.  Every once in a while though... Every once in while it just feels too much.  I just feel too tired.  He just brings too much too fast and I struggle.  And i know the dangers of where it can lead.  I've unfortunately experienced first hand how weak I can be.  I admitted my struggle to a friend I text each morning, but the answers fell flat on my heart and I didn't want her to know how deep it really was.  Mostly because there was nothing in particular causing this breakdown.  I felt like an idiot for even feeling this way, but that just weakened me more.  I posted on social media about missing my daddy and his hugs.  I think I thought that memory would bring me strength, but it didn't.  I quickly sent off an email to a prayer partner, just asking her to say an extra prayer for me.  And then I fell into the sobs that racked my body for the next 15 minutes or so.  

The rest of the morning was quiet.  Several things went wrong - stupid little things - but my son knew that this was time to stay quiet and be still.  (Not an easy task for him.)  I used the quiet time to try to secure my mask for the day, but it didn't feel like it was fitting right.  I knew if I could just get moving in my routine, it would slide back into place, or at least I hoped it would.  I'm an expert at wearing a mask.  Mottos like "fake it till you make it," and "smile so hard that even you believe it," were staples in my life. "Whistle a happy tune" from the King and I could be the backdrop of my life.  (Listen to it)  Most of the time it isn't very hard, and usually it doesn't take much for me to return to feeling blessed beyond measure.  In fact, the groaning and grumbling of those around me are usually a great help to snap me out of it.  While they talk I can see the blessings in their situations, which then helps me see how blessed I am too and darkness turns to light.  But sometimes, it just sinks me lower.  This was one of those days that I was fighting hard.  Eventually my mask fell into place, but I was just unsettled all day.  

After school, I went to the reception my friend and her family were having after the funeral.  At one point I sat there watching this eclectic group of people talk, the younger kids dancing and playing, the older kids chatting and I was thinking how much my friend's mom would have loved this.  And suddenly the cloud of darkness started lifting.  There was the very young (younger than me) grandmother with her daughter and new grandson that the mom introduced as a very unexpected joy.  There was the group of friends hovering in the kitchen refilling plates and washes dishes.  There was the husband who works overseas with his stepdaughter who is wheelchair bound talking to a teacher from our school while watching the young girl enjoy the twizzlers I brought.  (Her face brings me such joy when she sees twizzlers!)  There was the inventory of animals on the premises and the discussion of whether the bears and foxes counted.  There was laughter, and some tears, but overall, there was just such a feeling of warmth and friendship in every corner.  As I sat and looked at the faces of these people, I kept thinking how amazing it is the way everyone pulled together for this family.  And we always do.  As I was texting someone on the way home (I was using my designated son), I took the time to tell her how grateful I was for having her in my life.  And I realized I was filled with joy.  

In the book of John it says:  "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5 NIV). I am so grateful for all the things God does for me; all the things He opens my eyes to.  Will there be darkness again?  Of course.  Will there be moments that I feel overwhelmed?  Yes.  Will there be moments I feel too weak to stand?  Absolutely.  Will my God be with me?  You can bet on it.  And days like today are reminders that He hears my cry.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.  For weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

And as the slide show fades, I am reminded: life is good today!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Little faith? Help me in my unbelief!

I have been reading Job for the past few days.  My cousin suddenly had a series of horrible things occur around her life: a friend's child died suddenly, her aging grandmother fell in the middle of the night breaking her hip, and she got a report from the doctor that there was problem with her mammogram.  All in a series of hours this occurred.  She was handling it all with such outward grace and faith and it made me think of Job.  As the days from this passed it seemed like she couldn't get a breath of fresh air without another piece of news.  My heart truly felt overwhelmed for her and I found I was praying constantly.  As things occurred in "my world" during this time, I just kept thinking I don't know how she is doing it.  I prayed for wisdom, discernment, healing, peace, comfort, and so much more for her, but mostly I thanked God for her faith, and for showing her blessings even in this troubled time.  I asked God to strengthen her as well because I know sometimes my outsides don't match my insides.  I hate when people commend my faith when inside I am wrestling with Him.  I tried to encourage her that if she was feeling this, it would be okay.  I think, more than anything, I wanted her to admit she was so I wouldn't feel so alone and inept.

Our faith can be in Him and we can still struggle with the events surrounding us.  I know the plans He has for me are to bring me hope and a future.  And I know that He can work ALL things for good.  I know with and in Christ ANYTHING is possible.  I do believe!  However, like the centurion in Mark 9:24, sometimes I need help with my moments of unbelief.  I don't think that this unbelief is necessarily in God.  We believe in God, but sometimes the events in our life are unbelievable.  Kind of an "I can't believe this is happening right now" moment.  In my head, my heart and the depths of my soul, I know that God is with me; that He loves me and will never forsake me.  But I sometimes become overwhelmed for a moment and feel like I'm watching from the it can't be my life.  These are the moments of unbelief I need help with.  And God, true to His word, never leaves me nor forsakes me and helps me find my way back to that strength of faith He has so blessed my life with.  There are moments when I like Peter, start to walk on water, but begin to sink as my focus moves from God to me and my faith falters.  And just like with Peter, Christ pulls me up and saves me - the one with little faith.  

This morning, as I was reading in Job, I found this segment:

"When I think my bed will comfort me and my couch will ease my complaint, even then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions, so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine."  (Job 7:13-15 NIV)

In the story, Job is talking to God here.  I found this interesting, not because I have had this conversation with God, but just the opposite.  I have prayed this to God in reference to the devil.  I don't think that God frightens me with my dreams or terrifies me with visions.  I believe that the devil uses these tools, or in his case toys, to try to tempt me away from God.  To place so extreme a fear in me that I question God's plan.  To place a barrier between us.  This morning is a perfect example.  I awoke to my daughter not being home.  Of course I felt angry because she promised she would be as I asked for a favor today.  But more than that, my mind instantly went to a morning 4 years ago.  A morning where her not being home led to a family emergency.  When I looked into her bedroom, my head was immediately filled with the vision of that day.  That day took me down into a dark valley that I am still trying completely climb out of.  God did not place this vision in me, the evil one did.  He wants me to live in fear, terrified to make a move.  But God did not give me a spirit of fear.  He gave me a spirit of power, love and self discipline.  Immediately, I praised God for giving me my daughter.  I thanked Him for loving her even more than I do and for knowing the plans He has for her.  I thanked Him for partnering with me to raise her, so that I wasn't alone.  Then I asked Him to help me in my unbelief.  To deliver me from that vision and the pain and anger that comes with it.  My daughter is on a path right now I don't understand.  And my vision is very limited as I only see one part, and that part hurts my heart.  But God knows and sees fully.  He understands.  He can work all things, even these moments, for good.  He can use her according to the purpose He has for her.  He loves her with an everlasting love.  I am of little faith, but faith even as small as a mustard seed can take root and move mountains.  Sometimes we fake it in the outside until our insides catch up.  But God will help us in our unbelief and oh, the peace He brings!

Thank you, God, for knowing the plans you have for us.  And for your love, your strength, your faith, and your peace.  May you use us to build your kingdom.  Amen.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Heavy heart

Lord, my heart is heavy as I think of all those in my life that are walking through valleys or struggling right now.  Please watch over them and hold them close.  Open their eyes to see the blessings even as they walk through the darkness.  Help them remember that you can work ALL things - even our darkest desert valley moments - for good.  You know the plans you have for give us hope and a future in you.  And ALL things are possible for you.  Help us in our moments of unbelief.  I don't understand, Lord, and my mind and heart are filled with questions.  Why this one?  Why now?  Why so much?  Why so many?  How?  What for?  But what about?  But as filled with questions as I am - and I will ask again, Abba - I also know you and trust you and my hope is in you.  We wait on you, Lord.  In your word I put my hope, for me and for those I lift up to you now...and I am hopeful forever.  Right now we see in part, just one piece of the puzzle of life.  But one day, we will see fully as you fully see.  Until then, we wait on you, Lord.  Let our hearts take courage and may we be blessed with your peace.  Amen.